Page name: Megatokyo Fans Unite [Logged in view] [RSS]
2006-11-21 00:40:19
Last author: J Kale
Owner: Cloudwatcher
# of watchers: 15
Fans: 0
D20: 15
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MegaTokyo Fans Unite@wiki

New page owner:[Cloudwatcher]

Ok! I am going to make this wiki page a little more professional looking ^_^ ..This wiki page will be deticated to all those who love megatokyo ^_^ the wonderful online comic by Fred Gallagher ... ^O^ there is now even a online store where you can buy megatokyo stuff <is proud owner of 'Ninj4" hoodie> 

Other additions to this wiki:

Megatokyo Fans Unite-Fanart - Go here to post your fan art!

1337 0/\/|_y - this is where you go to chit chat with people who speak l33t... ^^


Megatokyo Strip of the Week

A similar wiki..that i think is cool.. 3v1l l33t5 ul\l1t3!

1. must love megatokyo/or want to know more about it ^_^ "rude" language if you know what i mean

3. To join just post your name and a small statement on why you love megatokyo ^^

Megatokyo Fans Unite

Please! to get this wiki page known, Post this banner in your house with a link to this page ^_^ thaknx!

Member list

1.)[Vynnie] megatokyo rocks. oh yeah ^^

2.)[RoninX] Largo is the L337 Chosen 1

3.)[Cloudwatcher] megatokyo rocks

4.)[D34D_L33T] Ph34|2 m`/ n4m3

5.)this member was banned


7)[Pnelma Tirian]

8) [Sarenyth_Elwood] Woot for Junpei the L33T N1nj4!!!

9) [Falx] ph34r m4 b33r! Megatokyo Poll <poll:20103>

10) [angrybuddhas.] ph34r m41 m4d l337 sp34k sk1lls!!!

11) [patient love.] blame [Kememmótar] for my addiction to

12) [Y.T.].. It's good stuff, imported some of the gear, well kewl

13)[and i was a kaleidoscope]

14)[Diro the Snicker] C4u53 1 h4\/3 l337 ]\[4|<|<1d 5k177z.. 4nd I 4]\/[ 4 l07 l1k3 Piro ^^ (For those non-l337-ish) Cause of my awsome leet naked skills and cause I am much like Piro in real life.

]( starry_eyes )- Megatokyo is great because the characters are so cool with interesting personalities. (and sorry it's not a link right there, it doesn't seem to be working...)

16) [Sana] - MEGATOKYO RULES!! I love Piro and Largo! they kick ass!

17) [Nyki] - Miho = <3. So does Boo. He squeeks in 1337!

18) [Kememmótar] |/\|311, i7 15 |\/|3g4 70y0.

19) [Cathos] Darkly Cute

20) [xX.//Standing Up From Underneath//.Xx] ! 4m +h3 l33t 1! Ph33r m3! hahaha! (just jokin...) the Comic Rulz!
21) [Shadow_seraphim] B3c4us3 it is m4d L33t!!!

22) [ta 'hca with zi 'sta] So awsome in all its Awsomeness!!!

23) [Broken Dreams]

24) [Paz] Found it by accident on the internet and loved it!

25) [Cliché] W00t! Go Largo! T3h 3v1l, 1t'5 t00 much...

26) [Blacktiger55] very kool, when i was introduced i feel in love right away!

27) [spongemonkey] why I love megatokyo? BOO THE L337 RODENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!WOot!!!

28) [Reicheru] "He says he needs money." "What? Again!?!" ^.^ Dom and Ed are my favorite characters!!

29) [Line Viper] Ping is my favorite, but then there's the turtle with the giant booze bottle

30) [blackwitch] Go GREAT LARGO!!!!!BEER RULES!!!!Ups.......I whanted to say that in my mind ^_^' hehehehe...........

31) [J Kale] MT 15 73h m4d L337 :D

Username (or number or email):


2005-02-24 [Cloudwatcher]: well , thats where his name used to be...O_o..........>_< dont correct me spelling!!!!!!!! O_______O

2005-02-24 [Cathos]: Interesting factoid of the day: Members who insist on being mean to others on the wikis, may be reported to the guards.

2005-02-24 [Cloudwatcher]: heheh...i know a few guards personaly..

2005-02-24 [Cathos]: Not that we'd report anyone if they stopped being mean or went to be mean elsewhere.

2005-02-24 [Cloudwatcher]: true..true..

2005-02-25 [diarh34]: hi...wouldn't be the first time...i also know some guards too....guess I'll have to get a new ip again....oh yeah wait >_< O_______O .0 0o there

2005-02-25 [Cloudwatcher]: [diarh34] you are banned from this wiki

2005-02-25 [Cloudwatcher]: do you think your funny? i have reported you, have a nice day :D

2005-02-26 [diarh34]: lol,not a new ip

2005-02-26 [diarh34]: have a nice day :D

2005-02-26 [Cloudwatcher]: ip? i have been told your a real ass other places as well by the guards...if you continue to be one, i can say for a fact you will be banned again

2005-02-26 [diarh34]: and I can get another I have before...i could really careless....I'll just keep coming back go ahead tell the guards....i don't care

2005-02-26 [Cloudwatcher]: that you have deleted the contents of this wiki, that i can easily restore...what now? youve proven your a asshole? good job, we knew that. you keep coming back. good for you

2005-02-26 [diarh34]: actually I put it back myself....I just hoped you were smart nough to back it up

2005-02-26 [Cloudwatcher]: no you didnt..[Sunrose] did. stop trying to make your self look smart. your failing.

2005-02-26 [diarh34]: waiting for this ban....

2005-02-27 [Sunrose]: Getting other IP's doesn't mean you can't be banned :D

2005-02-27 [Cloudwatcher]: ^______^ i think its funny how he tryed to take credit for repairing the wiki.."actually i put it back up myself" yea right..;p

2005-02-27 [Cathos]: Why can't he grow up or go and be an annoyance on instead?

2005-02-27 [Cloudwatcher]: O_O i am on there to! lol no send him way away!!! but he is gone for now, and thats good..i bet he thinks its funny that he got banned..from past attitudes O_

2005-02-27 [Cloudwatcher]: O_O i am on there to! lol no send him way away!!! but he is gone for now, and thats good..i bet he thinks its funny that he got banned..from past attitudes O_o

2005-02-27 [Cathos]: There's a BeeeeeG bannage notice in his house. :)

2005-02-27 [Sunrose]: Ha, on elfpack he'll also get me anyway..

2005-02-27 [Cloudwatcher]: i knowwww!!! <me is happy> it just took a little he was like "waiting for this ban..." well boo ya! he got it!!!! bwhaha

2005-02-27 [Cloudwatcher]: what do you mean he'll also get you?

2005-02-27 [Sunrose]: I am on it. If he is annoying there, I'll ban him there too :P

2005-02-27 [Cloudwatcher]: ahhhh..ok i was just a little confused there for a minute ^_^ i talk to you there to! lol stalkeris...

2005-02-27 [Sunrose]: :o you do? when? :O

2005-02-28 [Cloudwatcher]: O-o we have sent messages back and forth a few times O___________O

2005-02-28 [Sunrose]: >_< did not! liar liar pants on fire! :P

2005-02-28 [Cloudwatcher]: go look in your message past thingie!!! i know we have, oh i know, go into my house and see if you can ask for a relation! you cant unless you have messaged back and forth! :p

2005-02-28 [Sunrose]: LIES!!!

2005-02-28 [Cloudwatcher]: we have a relation! >_< ack, i am not fighting, i know i am right

2005-02-28 [Sunrose]: suuuuuure >.> *ban ban ban*

2005-02-28 [Cloudwatcher]: nooooooooooooooo <me cries>

2005-02-28 [Sunrose]: MWAHAHHA! :D

2005-02-28 [Cloudwatcher]: *snif* i will just...go sit in a corner now...

2005-02-28 [Sunrose]: ahw :(

2005-02-28 [Cloudwatcher]: well, you banished me!!!!

2005-02-28 [Sunrose]: ehm ehm.. I did? noo that was [font]! :O

2005-02-28 [Cloudwatcher]: i am so confused! quote from you "suuuuuure >.> *ban ban ban* " O______O

2005-02-28 [Cathos]: *makes [Cloudwatcher] a nice big name badge and glues it to her forehead*

2005-02-28 [Cloudwatcher]: :D.... :/ why do i need a name badge?

2005-02-28 [Cathos]: To remind [Sunrose] who you are! She may have omnipotent bannage powers, but theres thousands of us for her to remember.

2005-02-28 [Cloudwatcher]: aH! yea like she can remeber that we talked in ep!!!! :P yay! *me takes name badge and shows it off*

2005-02-28 [Sunrose]: Mwahaha! :D

2005-02-28 [Cloudwatcher]: :O <looks at [Sunrose] in the eye> you know who i am? ...just quess! *looks up at name badge*

2005-02-28 [Sunrose]: <.<  >.> what? who said that?

2005-02-28 [Cloudwatcher]: <waves> yo! down here!

2005-02-28 [Sunrose]: <.< v.v ^.^ >.>

2005-02-28 [Cloudwatcher]: :(

2005-04-05 [Cloudwatcher]: megatokyo strip of the week changed!! finaly! after like..6 months..maybe i should change the name....

2005-04-07 [xX.//Standing Up From Underneath//.Xx]: To what? "The Bi-Annual MegaTokyo Strip?" HAHA! lol ^_^ I'm just joking. ^__^ Seriously.

2005-04-07 [Shadow_seraphim]: *blinks* Maybe, but I'm pretty sure force of habit will keep it at weekly, sounds better anyways^_^

2005-04-07 [Cloudwatcher]: lol i dunno, i hate having to pick the strips..if people helped or wanted to help change it....they could simply ask..or i could beg...O_O

2005-04-07 [Shadow_seraphim]: Lol, if I had the time I would help, but I'm managing around five wikis^_^' Not to mention ma member of 20 some odd others

2005-04-07 [Shadow_seraphim]: Lol, if I had the time I would help, but I'm managing around five wikis^_^' Not to mention a member of 20 some odd others

2005-04-07 [Cloudwatcher]: lol yea i am running a bucnch myself..thats why i am looking for help lol

2005-04-07 [Shadow_seraphim]: *nods*

2005-04-07 [Cloudwatcher]: _o epp!

2005-04-07 [Shadow_seraphim]: ?

2005-04-07 [Cathos]: You really shouldn't use Makoto (the MT server) as your image host, she's overloaded as it is. If you send me the link, I can upload the strips to ElfTron for you.

2005-04-07 [Shadow_seraphim]: 0_0? *doesn't know what they're talking about* ... *shrugs*

2005-04-07 [Cathos]: Sorry, I'm talking about the "weekly" strips.

2005-04-07 [Cloudwatcher]: yea i know i didnt know how else to do it....alright i will if you can,

2005-04-08 [Shadow_seraphim]: Oh^_^ *ish still lost but pretends she knows*

2005-04-08 [xX.//Standing Up From Underneath//.Xx]: Seraphim, you ain't got /nothing/ to complain about!!! I'm manager of i dunno, 30 wikis, and I'm a member of at least twice that! Not to mention I work at 3 of the biggest worker wikis here in ET. *nods* you've got it too good to complain about anything.

2005-04-08 [Cloudwatcher]: lol oh the randomness!!!!

2005-04-08 [xX.//Standing Up From Underneath//.Xx]: \/\/()P,|)!!! lol

2005-04-09 [Shadow_seraphim]: Lol, I wasn't complaining, just saying I would help if I had time and understood it, but kinda really don't^_^' Sowwy if I was rude! ;_;

2005-04-10 [Cloudwatcher]: lol no big deal

2005-04-11 [Shadow_seraphim]: Oh, ok^_^

2005-04-11 [Cloudwatcher]: ^____________^

2005-04-11 [Shadow_seraphim]: ^_-

2005-04-12 [Cloudwatcher]: :D

2005-09-17 [Cloudwatcher]: OMG! its like everyone DIED!!

2005-09-17 [xX.//Standing Up From Underneath//.Xx]: *gags then dies too* ((sorry, didn't get the memo ^^U))

2005-09-17 [Cloudwatcher]: O_O no dont die! i was just saying how no one has commented here in a lonnnng time..

2005-09-18 [Normal_Man]: true not since april

2005-09-18 [Cloudwatcher]: i know! :( i am partly to blame to...

2005-09-18 [Normal_Man]: ???? why you ???

2005-09-18 [xX.//Standing Up From Underneath//.Xx]: *wakes from the dead* Ohhhhhhh.... ohhhhhhhh..... Okay, I don't see how those ghost can stand to moan like that.... it drives me bonkers!!! Alright, now for my cappachino...

2005-09-19 [Normal_Man]: ..............your a silly boy

2005-09-19 [xX.//Standing Up From Underneath//.Xx]: >_> I'm a girl...??

2005-09-19 [Cloudwatcher]: its my falt cuz i havent been talking either! :P

2005-09-20 [Cloudwatcher]:   ^(._.)^

2005-09-21 [Normal_Man]: Are you sure Heart?

2005-09-21 [Cloudwatcher]: thats so mean!

2005-09-21 [Normal_Man]: Sorry

2005-09-21 [Cloudwatcher]: *sigh* play nice children!

2005-09-22 [Normal_Man]: .....shorty

2005-09-22 [xX.//Standing Up From Underneath//.Xx]: Yes... I think so... No... I suppose... Maybe, perhaps.... I DON"T KNOW!!!! What was the question again??

2005-09-22 [Normal_Man]: then question was are you sure youre a girl.

2005-09-24 [Cloudwatcher]: HEY! PLAY NICE! these days!

2005-09-24 [Normal_Man]: Bring it on granny

2005-09-24 [Cloudwatcher]: I'll take you down little punk! GET OFF MY LAWN!

2005-09-24 [Normal_Man]: youll die of age before you get off rocker

2005-09-24 [Cloudwatcher]: HA! I am the fastest and strongest old woman alive! and you are weak and young!

2005-09-24 [Normal_Man]: hahahahaha senile old fool you will see your blood, wa-cha!!

2005-09-24 [Cloudwatcher]: *pulls out the large guns and swords* YES we will see blood! YOURS!!!

2005-09-24 [Normal_Man]: your vilonent,you need help.

2005-09-24 [Cloudwatcher]: only compared to some..

2005-09-24 [Normal_Man]: you dont make sence granny

2005-09-25 [Cloudwatcher]: Maybe your just stupid child

2005-09-25 [Normal_Man]: but how will we know which is stupid?

2005-09-25 [Cloudwatcher]: you just confirmed it.

2005-09-25 [Normal_Man]: How?

2005-09-25 [Cloudwatcher]: By not knowing you are stupid

2005-09-25 [Normal_Man]: but does the insane not knowing he is insane make him sane?

2005-09-25 [Cloudwatcher]: to himself.

2005-09-25 [Normal_Man]: what is the defantion of sane?

2005-09-25 [Cloudwatcher]: definition* 

2005-09-26 [Normal_Man]: thank you

2005-09-26 [Cloudwatcher]: welcome

2005-09-27 [Normal_Man]: may you awnser my question

2005-09-27 [Cloudwatcher]: once you say it correctly, I might.

2005-09-28 [Normal_Man]: how does one become insane?

2005-09-28 [Cloudwatcher]: how do you know your not?

2005-09-28 [Normal_Man]: So then is everyone insane and sane at the same time?

2005-09-29 [Cloudwatcher]: in their own special way. yes. just some more or less then others.

2005-09-29 [Normal_Man]: But what is Insane?

2005-09-29 [Cloudwatcher]: In some views, what is insane by mainstream definitions is not necessarily a disorder of the mind, but may simply be a different way of being that is judged as unacceptable on social or cultural grounds.

2005-09-29 [Normal_Man]: Hmm then the same thing can be impied to Stupid

2005-09-30 [Cloudwatcher]: True.

2005-09-30 [Normal_Man]: that is intersesting then the same thing can be applied to emotions like sad and happy

2005-10-01 [Cloudwatcher]: yea, if you look at it like that, everything really is based on perseption.

2005-10-01 [Normal_Man]: indeed it is interesting

2005-10-01 [Cloudwatcher]: indeed..

2005-10-01 [Normal_Man]: we sound english

2005-10-01 [Cloudwatcher]: i like the word indeed!

2005-10-01 [Normal_Man]: cheerio kipper

2005-10-02 [Cloudwatcher]: quark!

2005-10-02 [Normal_Man]: Huh?

2005-10-03 [Cloudwatcher]: its a fun word

2005-10-04 [Normal_Man]: I imangine it is,but it was quite random

2005-10-04 [Cloudwatcher]: i know, thats what makes it fun!

2005-10-05 [Normal_Man]: that may be true

2005-10-06 [Cloudwatcher]: it is! it is!

2005-10-06 [Normal_Man]: fine it is true

2005-10-07 [Cloudwatcher]: good , i am glad we agree

2005-10-08 [Normal_Man]: I wonder how long megatokyo is gonna run for.

2005-10-08 [Cloudwatcher]: i dunno, a long time proably O_o its really popular

2005-10-08 [Normal_Man]: I wonder If it will be an anime?

2005-10-09 [Cloudwatcher]: i doubt it, but who knows?

2005-10-09 [Normal_Man]: .....I am slightly bored....anyone up for the can-can

2005-10-10 [Cloudwatcher]: O_o

2005-10-10 [Normal_Man]: you know you want to

2005-10-10 [Cloudwatcher]: *hides in corner*

2005-10-10 [Normal_Man]: coward,be a man

2005-10-10 [Cloudwatcher]: but i dont wanna be a man! they smell funny when they are wet O_O

2005-10-11 [Normal_Man]: why do you smell wet men...........pervernt!!!

2005-10-12 [Cloudwatcher]: i dont..if they go walking in the rain or somthing they smell funny!

2005-10-12 [Normal_Man]: huh? im confused,do you race men in the rain

2005-10-12 [Cloudwatcher]: never mind....>_<

2005-10-13 [Normal_Man]: your weird

2005-10-14 [Cloudwatcher]: only compared to some!

2005-10-14 [Normal_Man]: I dont smell wet men

2005-10-14 [Cloudwatcher]: nither do i if i have a choice! but if they walk by can smell them! >_<


2005-10-14 [Cloudwatcher]: lol oh you know..around..

2005-10-15 [Normal_Man]: *gasp* you scarlet women (hp fans will get this everyone else will be in the dark)

2005-10-15 [Cloudwatcher]: hp?

2005-10-15 [Normal_Man]: never mind

2005-10-16 [Cloudwatcher]: no whats it stand for?

2005-10-17 [Normal_Man]: .........Harry potter

2005-10-17 [Cloudwatcher]: ok..well i thought so, i have read the books and seen the movie but i didnt reconize that line so i didnt think it was that..*hits head*

2005-10-18 [Normal_Man]: book 4 ron tailking to hermonie

2005-10-19 [Cloudwatcher]: its been a while since i read it sooo..thats why i dont rememebr....its been over a year

2005-10-19 [Normal_Man]: wtf and you call yourself a fan

2005-10-20 [Cloudwatcher]: i read much better books that are wirtten 20 times better and with a better story line so nah

2005-10-21 [Normal_Man]: hmm?

2005-10-21 [Cloudwatcher]: :D the series called "sword of truth" by terry goodkind....they are way better then hp books....there are 11 books right now and the first one is called "wizards first rule" its nothing like hp, btw

2005-10-22 [Normal_Man]: whats it about,and I never said harry potter was the best books,fool

2005-10-22 [Cloudwatcher]: its it up...i dont feel like explaining..typlical hero/fantacy story..with wizards and dragons and fighting...stuff like that...they are very very good....tool..

2005-10-23 [Normal_Man]: you lazy bugger you dont say something is great if youre not willing to talk about it,that dosent make sense I like harry potter enough where I dont mind talking about.My favorite book probaly is the "Abarat" and because s I dont mind talking about it.all this people like Trigun enough where they dont mind awnsering some of my stupid questions because I havent seen or read it as much so I am hard put to agree that you likeit that much.

2005-10-23 [Cloudwatcher]: there are 11 books that are all over 700 pages!!!! how am i supposed to explain that?!

2005-10-24 [Normal_Man]: Well theres basic plot,which should only be like 5 sentinces

2005-10-25 [Cloudwatcher]: no..its not..i think i would need a page...

2005-10-25 [Normal_Man]: im talking about BASIC plot

2005-10-25 [Cloudwatcher]: i know..

2005-10-26 [Normal_Man]: Basic,basic like harry potter is about wizard school

2005-10-26 [Cloudwatcher]: umm..ok..err hard! >_- this is harder for me then i would have thought...well..its the basic fantacy story..with a hero and his woman and the evil army/guy and the stuggles and stuff..lots of magic and dragons..and torcher and large battles, tragity, adventure...O.0

2005-10-27 [Normal_Man]: ......and then why my fellow did you you say "better books that are wirtten 20 times better and with a better story line so nah" about harry potter,dosent sound to revalotionary to me

2005-10-27 [Cloudwatcher]: ?? what do you mean? you are judging the books from my lame attempt to tell the basic story/outline of the book in a sentence? these books are written way better, for a more mature addience and i suppose they just dont aply to you..and i am not a "fellow"

2005-10-27 [Normal_Man]: whatever I only know what you tell me,you aree being imature by the statement of "twenty times beter so nay" or whatever what you did tell me leads me to belive that theres nothing unique,but I could be wrong,I only know what you tell me

2005-10-28 [Cloudwatcher]: whatever here is a better i guess discription here..~>The Mother Confessor, who wears a long white dress and is higher then a queen..if she touchs you and releases her power, you become devoted to her, you would do anything to please you. Then she travels to unknown lands and meets..

2005-10-28 [Cloudwatcher]: Richard ..Richard Rahl..Her husband the lowly woods is now the ruler of the land of DHara..and then the entire midlands..long story..and he is "The Seeker of Truth" who has the legandary Sword of Truth.)

2005-10-28 [Cloudwatcher]: So they are madly in love and have to fight off the Imperial order ( a overly large army), who plans on taking over everything for the greater good and all that yatta yatta

2005-10-28 [Normal_Man]: why the wasnt one post?also you must be leaving out somthing because the sounds a afully lot like lord of the rings or dune

2005-10-29 [Cloudwatcher]: it wouldnt let me do it in one post..i dunno why..its hates me..and yes i am..but it would take another very long explaination to deiscribe it, and its nothing like either of those books...

2005-11-02 [Normal_Man]: I only know what you tell me

2005-11-02 [Cloudwatcher]: look it up online where it would give a better discription mr. "i only know what you tell me" lies! you can go look it up for yourself!

2005-11-04 [Normal_Man]: ....tjhats work

2005-11-05 [Cloudwatcher]: it does..try it sometime

2006-07-01 [Line Viper]: I wanna join, tell me how please

2006-07-02 [Cathos]: Press "edit this page" and add your name at the bottom with square brackets around it.

2006-07-02 [Line Viper]: thank you

2006-09-13 [Falx]: If you haven't taken the Megatokyo poll yet, do it now! You know you want to! <poll:20103>

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